What carpal tunnel patients
need to know about braces
and bracing

We're not exaggerating when we say NEED TO KNOW

That's because
many patients worsen their condition by wearing the wrong brace at the wrong time. 

A must-read if your hands hurt worse after bracing 

Patients complained to me that
their hands hurt worse after

So I investigated and studied the design of the most popular drugstore braces they bought.

Many of these were advertised as being special for carpal tunnel. Sound familiar?

Dr. Z
CarpalRx Medical Director

This is the most dangerous design flaw
I found in the most popular drugstore braces:

It's called a palmer spine. 

Made of a stiff material, manufacturers insert "spines"  into the palm side of the brace to immobilize your wrist. 

The problem with placing the spine on the palm side is that it applies pressure to your carpal tunnel space. 

That's the LAST thing you want because  PRESSURE is what causes the pain, tingling and numbness in the first place. 

Amazon sells hundreds of carpal tunnel braces that have a palmar spine 


Even an Ace Brand brace labelled as Amazon's choice!  


If you have a brace with a palmar spine, try and remove it. 


If you can't - stop using it . You canNOT trust the reviews. I guarantee the palmar spine in this brace does harm and worsens your condition. 

I feel so strongly about this that if you have questions - contact me. I WILL answer.  

Shame on retailers for selling carpal tunnel splints & braces with palmer spines

BUT you're probably used to manufacturers being irresponsible in their claims. 


Some even tell bold-faced lies. 


Still, when it comes to pain relief & health: 


There should be a special place in  hell reserved for 
these advertisers.


Safe braces to wear at night while sleeping   
(the CarpalRx Night Brace is the one I designed for my patients)

  • BSOS Dorsal Splint


    Bort Swiss Ortho Supply

  • Comfy Dorsal Hand Orthosis


    Comfy Splints

  • AliMed Dorsal Resting Splint


    AliMed Medical & Surgical Supplies

  • LEEDer Dorsal Orthosis


    LEEDer Group

  • RCIA Dorsal Splint


    Restorative Care of America

  • CarpalRx Night Brace


    CarpalRx Carpal Pain Solutions

  • Do NOT wear a brace during the day if you have carpal tunnel 

    I'm sorry to have to tell you this: 

    If your doctor told you to brace during the day . . . 

    You can't trust him or her when it comes to treating your carpal tunnel. 

    UNLESS you were told to wear a brace that doesn't restrict hand movement. If so, then he or she understands the pathology of carpal tunnel syndrome. In my experience, few physicians understand. 


    This is the problem:   99.99% of braces are specifically designed to compress and/or restrict hand movement. If you have carpal tunnel, you do NOT want to constrain wrist motion while awake & active. 

    Even moderate hand movement such as typing on your keyboard while wearing a brace generates a whirlwind of physiological effects that compress your carpal tunnel.

    Read more abouwhat goes on inside your carpal tunnel under compression pressure. In the meantime, try the imagination exercise to the right to get a FEEL for what goes on. It's really important you understand so you DO NOT WEAR A BRACE DURING THE DAY. 

    If you've got a question about the brace you're using -- please contact me

    Put yourself in this woman's shoes
    to get a sense of how wearing a normal brace
    during the day worsens your carpal tunnel.

    Moving your wrist against the restraint of a brace
    is like trying to stand up while tied to a chair.

    Feel the ropes compress your organs as you strain?

    Get the picture? That's what's happening in your carpal tunnel. 

    Kottos wrist strap for weight lifters  
    is the ONLY brace I found safe for day use
    (but note the warning)



    What makes it special is the strap that wraps around the thumb. 


    The point where the thumb strap is secured to the wrist strap ensures that the bones surrounding the carpal tunnel are being separated. 


    That separation opens up the carpal tunnel instead of compressing it which makes the product safe for day use. 


    HOWEVER - if you buy these -- be sure you don't wrap the wrist strap tightly. It should fit loosely . Otherwise you're once again compressing the carpal tunnel. 

    I custom designed a 100% safe & therapeutic day brace for my patients  
    I illustrate how & why it resolves symptoms below: 

    • CarpalRx Day Brace

      $19.95 a pair

      CarpalRx Carpal Pain Solutions

    • Custom designed for patients

      The wrapping action lifts the thumb so it rests higher than the  other fingers.

    • Comfortably fasten the wrist strap

      It's ESSENTIAL to not compress the carpal tunnel during the day. So the wrist strap must not apply uncomfortable pressure.

    • The strap keeps the thumb elevated 

      The elevation provides a gentle separating action. It opens up the carpal tunnel by spreading the wrist bones that surround the carpal tunnel. The decompression prevents & alleviates symptoms.

    • Braces to avoid if you have carpal tunnel 

      • DonJoy CXT & SXT Functional Wrist Braces
      • Bauerfeind ManuTrain Wrist Brace
      • Bauerfeind ManuLoc Wrist Brace
      • FLA ProLite Wrist Splint with Abducted Thumb
      • ProCare IMAK Pil-O-Wrist Splint
      • Bio Skin DP3 Cock-Up Wrist Brace
      • DonJoy Neoprene Wrist Wrap
      • Bio Skin DP2 Cock-Up Wrist Brace
      • DonJoy Contoured Wrist/Forearm Splint
      • Hely and Weber Tiny Titan Thumb Wrist Brace
      • ProCare Loop-Lock Cock-Up Splint
      • Hely and Weber Titan Thumb Wrist Brace
      • Medtherapies Lace-Up Wrist Brace
      • FLA Uni-Fit Wrist Splint
      • ProCare Foam Wrist Splint
      • Don Joy Universal Wrist/Forearm Splint
      • ProCare Quick-Fit W.T.O. Wrist/Thumb
      • ProCare Cock-Up Wrist Splint
      • AirCast A2 Wrist Stabilizing Brace
      • Ossur Exoform Wrist Brace
      • Bledsoe Wrist Lacer Wrist Brace
      • Bledsoe Universal Wrist Lacer

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